Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lysistrata Post #7

Okay, is it just me or is it hypocritical that two of the themes of this book are "Make love, not war" and "The WAR of the sexes"? Hmm. I noticed that particularly in the scene where the women and the men are brandishing chamber pots and threatening (and succeeding) to hit each other. Yeah, I understand that the men and women weren't going to truly hurt one another, like they were in the actual war between the Athenians and the Spartans, but still. I thought it was pretty hypocritical that the women decided to help create peace by using violence. (??) I kind of thought that by abstaining they were going to show that wars could be resolved without using any violence, but that kind of went out the window when they start breaking lamps over peoples' heads.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

haha yeah. but that happens a lot, doesn't it? you fight to gain peace? like in iraq, the U.S. Army is fighting to keep peace and all that. which is ridiculous.