Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lysistrata Post #1

So I have to say- I was kind of disappointed with this play. It kind of reminded me of that show "Seinfeld" in that a lot of random stuff happened that's supposed to be funny, but in the end you realize that you didn't get anything out of it. I mean, I understand what happened in the book, and there was kind of a moral (???) but I don't think that at any point in the play I said- "Hey, that's a really good point" or "Wow, that's an interesting idea". I was really hoping that there would be a more controversial or political issue, but I didn't really find one. No true revelations were present at the end of the book, and I don't think anything was really resolved. Women held out on their husbands until they did what they wanted. Not a real exciting ending. In fact, I think there was a "Seinfeld" episode on it.


DEE-LESS said...

what r u smokin? this play was dominating phunny. The puns were awesomely funny, and the episode your thinking is when the 4 freinds bet who could on the longest without having sex, spoiler alert, I think jerry wins, krammer loses first lol.

Montrell said...

I agree there was no excitement in the play but it was not suppose to be about action. It was intended to make you laugh while illustrating important aspects of Greek life that translated into the themes (thats all im my opinion.) Also, you have to look at how long it was. The play was very short and spacious compared to "Hedda Gabler." But the whole "Seinfeld" comparison was really cool.