Sunday, October 26, 2008

Post #7

Hmm, so why was Hedda so opposed to having a baby? You would think she would love having kids and being able to boss them around all the time, right? However, I think that to Hedda, pregnancy represents being trapped in this boring world where she has no freedom. With a kid on the way, Hedda has almost no hope of getting out of this life she's gotten herself into- the kind of life where she is inferior to men and her only purpose is to host parties and look nice in society. Having a kid would pretty much secure this role for Hedda, and I think Hedda was not ready to give up on the idea of doing what Thea did and getting out. However, I doubt Hedda would have had the courage to ever leave like Thea did, especially if she had a kid. So instead of dealing with everything, Hedda took the easy way out and killed herself. . . and her child.


kwall said...

hedda is opposed to having a baby because she does not want to fall into the trap that the stereotypical woman falls into. she is pursuing control and power in her life through other ways that do not include her bearing a child. it would take too much of her time and energy and it would tie her closer to george than she truly wants to be. you can't blame her.

Kristin said...

whoa, i keep forgetting that she was pregnant when she killed herself so i didn't care much for it but now i just realized that she WAS pregnant and therefore a murderer and a terrible person :[.
I also think that she wouldn't want the baby because she would no longer be the center of attention.

dchou said...

Yeah, Hedda doesn't want to be a soccer mom (anachronistic here), and by having a baby, she would be even further tied into the bourgeoisie, which is unbearable for a patrician like her. Losing the center of attention and making her closer to George are also good reasons too. Personally, I think that in a perverse way, she had one more thing to have control over besides her life: the life of her baby. Maybe she never cared about her life, but instead cared about stopping the life of her baby. Crazy...