Sunday, October 26, 2008

Post #8

So I think that in a lot of ways, we could compare Thea to Maria Josefa because they are both arguably the only free women in either of these books. Maria Josefa is free because she doesn't worry herself about stupid things like appearances and what the neighbors will think, etc. and she also is the only in the The House of Bernarda Alba who says whatever she feels whenever she wants to. The same goes for Thea in Hedda Gabler. Thea is the only woman with the courage and freedom to escape her entrapment, and also the only one who competely disregards what society will think, since she says that she knows people will talk about her leaving her husband but she doesn't care. Hedda, on the other hand, is always worried about a scandal and doesn't want people to see what's really going on in her household because she's too afraid of what they'll think of her. This shows that Hedda is not at all as free as Thea is, much like Bernarda was not as free as Maria Josefa.


Kristin said...

oo I most def agree with your comparison. And to add to that, Thea and Maria Josefa also are confined by the people around them simply because the other characters believe that they are more important. Such as Hedda thinking she is more controlling and manipulative than Thea when, in reality, Thea has a lot of control and courage. And Bernarda believing that she can lock up Maria because she is old. Bernarda only physically locks Maria up but Maria continues to have crazy ideas like getting married and all that jazz(hehe).

Ryu Tsume said...

I know there isn't much on Julia but dosen't she get to be the most free. Oh wait, nevermind, technically she is trapped by her undying allegiance to George and taking acre of him, unlike Josepha where she has others take care of her. Actually, that is a cool point, glad I thought of that on this post. On your post, completely agree now, Thea dosen't take anybodies boundaries and she is able to overcome every obstacle, and even find time to create obstacales for Hedda in the process. Pretty cawesome woman if you ask me.