Sunday, October 26, 2008

Post #5

Why did Hedda burn the manuscript? To me, it was one of two reasons: the first is that she didn't want her husband to look lesser to Lovborg. With Lovborg's new, amazing book out, no one would care about Tesman's book, and we all know that Hedda has to be the best. She couldn't stand having her husband look pathetic next to her ex-lover. The second reason, and probably the most likely, is that she was jealous of Thea's involvement with the book. Hedda always wants the power of men, but never truly has it, while Thea is the equal of Lovborg since she is a huge part of the writing of the manuscript. Because of this, Hedda is jealous and tries to ruin it for Thea, since if Hedda can't have something, she doesn't want anyone else to have it either. This could be part of the reason why Hedda kills herself at the end, since she wasn't able to stop Thea from having that freedom and power. Thea just picks herself right back up and continues writing the manuscript even after Hedda tried her best to destroy it.


Kristin said...

i never thought about it that way. that's a great perspective! I always assumed that Hedda killed herself because she couldn't have control and Tesman told her to shut up(haha xD). she sounded like a psycho when she was burning the manuscript. i do believe that she was jealous. Maybe Hedda was trying to create drama so that Lovborg would kill himself and she would be like, "yay! i made someone kill himself!" and then she would have a reason to live. Dag yo, she's crazy.

J. Braga said...

I was thinking maybe Hedda burned Løvborg's manuscript because she was jealous of his relationship with Mrs.Elvsted and perhaps Hedda still had some true feelings left for him.

DEE-LESS said...

I always thought that Hedda commited suicide, submitting to the men's power, because she no longer has the "pistol." Also she wanted to protect her power by burning Lovburg's book, although I thought it would of been better if she went with Lovburg instead.

Montrell said...

That is a interesting way to think of why she burned the manuscript. I would have never thought of that because Hedda is always controlling, mean, sassy, and disrespectful to George. I could see Hedda burning it to gain power over Thea because that is her personality. But continuing off her manipulative nature, Hedda could have burned the manuscript to get an edge over Lovborg. This was suppose to be his amazing book that he put soo much effort into. With it destroyed, Lovborg could have fallen into a deep depressive state and considered suicide. This would have made Hedda's job alot easier and she might have actually been able to make Lovborg commit suicide.