Friday, September 26, 2008

First Thoughts

So basically, the first few pages weren't too exciting, but after Hedda and George were introduced it got much more interesting. I don't know why everyone is so annoyed with George and his "eh?"s.... I thought they were cute =). He just wants people to listen to him and he's kind of like a little puppy that needs reassuring. Not that Hedda gave him any reassuring.
Speaking of Hedda, she irritates me to no end. Personally, I don't see her as being this "strong female character". I see her as being a pretty stereotypical one because all she cares about is gossip and her fancy material items. And I don't see how treating your husband like dirt makes you a "strong female". I think it just makes her rude and annoying. George bends over backwards for her and she barely acknowledges him. Not that George noticed- he's pretty slow. For real. "More bookshelves!!!"


Dorito said...

I disagree about George being annoying with his 'ehs', but i do like your comparison between him and a little puppy. I do agree on your take of Hedda and that being condescending and outspoken doesnt make a woman strong. great blog

sdub said...

i agree his ehs and uhs are very annoying but thats just what makes George Tesman the man he is

Ashley said...

I agree with the point you made about her qualifications in calling herself a 'strong woman.'Right now she just seems like a stubborn girl(yes girl, she just moved away from her father's protection.)

Rashad Morris said...

I agree to an extent.....the Ughs..and eh are somewhat repetitive....but this only defines George personality. maybe he is somewhat unsure of himself even though he is protected by women in his life.

J. Braga said...

At first I did not pay much attention to George's "um"s, "hm"s and "eh"s until they were pointed out. After that they did become a little annoying. But,I think this was just Ibsen's way of characterizing George. These words usually ended in question marks which leads me to believe he is a questionable and unpredictable character. These words also made me think George is unsure of himself.

Montrell said...

I thought all of his 'ehs' were kinda funny at first. Then after seeing them all the time i got annoyed and kinda angry. The comparison of Tesman and a puppy was really interesting and clever. I could see Tesman acting just like a dog but instead of whimpering, he would just go 'eh'??? lol